I have just returned from my 1st ever trip to Italy! Very interesting it was too. First thing we noticed is that the lovely Northern weather I am used too has hardened us Brits to a more cool climb, so we got a few strange looks as we swanned around in just T-shirts whilst the locals shivered under layers and with thick scarves :D (the word ‘Nesh’ was also used a lot 😀 ) As always cultural ambassadorial duties were not overlooked 😀
First course of duty was to goto the Italian JagFest organised by Marco. Much Atari goodness was beheld and his rather impressive shop and collection of all things computer game related! impressive.
Food was consumed, it has to be said Italian food, is very good, although their Pizzas only seem to come in one size.. HUGE, and made of NOM :D Pizza hut is NOTHING like real Italian pizza, no where near. The 3-4 foot long Pizza’s we had for Lunch were impressive (I didn’t get a pic 🙁 ) those were shared 😛
As we all know Italian beer is like flavoured tap water to the cultivated British taste buds, so Gaz and myself undertook a mission to deplete the stock of Guinness in the local Irish bar whilst Mike tackled the Erdinger.
Second and best (for me) was meeting my long time On-line chums from WoW. Franco, Piero and Nic are quite simply the nicest blokes you could hope to meet, and completely bonkers 🙂 was more like meeting old friends than meeting friends for the 1st time, much more delicious food was consumed (the three Italians worked their way through a local Zoo I think 🙂 ) and much Vino was drunk. After goodbyes more Guinness in the Irish bar and bad… followed by the WORST Hangover I have had in years, and most of the next day going missing 🙂
Unfortunately due to various issues (like the hangovers and illness) we didn’t get to see them again the next day, although promises were made to come over to the UK for our next guild meet 😀 I didn’t forget lads :DÂ Look forward to seeing you again.
Soon enough it was time to head home and here I am writing this as I upload the pics. Its been must be nearly 12 hours of travel time and I haven’t shaved in days (bloody silly airplane carry on laws).. So now the pics are up I think I will go and get a nice long shower and trim my face off 😀