Its been quite a while since I wrote on this blog, partly that was due to the FaceBook abomination (hate it but, well, its becoming an annoyingly common part of life). Still its not as permanent as a blog, and well I like owning my own thoughts thank-you-very-much so I am not getting rid of this just yet 😀
As well as those changes, life itself has been somewhat complicated, the most complex portion of this being my home life. I am not going to go into any detail, not everything needs to be on the net for the world to read, but suffice to say I have seperated from my wife and am now lodging with an old friend who very generously has allowed me into is home (cheers mate, massively appreciated and huge help). Things are different but thankfully amicable between myself and my ex, she is being very good about the whole thing and we are both getting on with our lives. The kids are naturally the biggest concern and both myself and my ex are taking every measure to ensure they are not ill-affected by all this. Little man was concerned that the internet would go away and the PS3 taken.. *wipes tear* that’s ma’ boy :D he has his priorities sorted.. good lad.
Work is going immensely well, and I am finding my place in life again. Hopefully I will get back into all the things that interest me over the next few months and find time to comment on them here. There are so many groups of individuals who have helped me come though this difficult period with their support, kind words and thoughts. Big thanks to my WoW Guild Fallen-Shadow and to my Jaguar related friends whom have been a big help (special shout to GazTee for getting me to Watchmen with Dave Gibbons and JFUK’09 cheers m8)
Hinch, in order to lessen your Facebook pain, try – far more civilised.